Administrative Tools
The project
It’s not uncommon for administrative tools to be second-class in terms of the attention they are given from a Product and Design perspective. And, with the original version at Fuze, that was definitely the case. But since IT admins were such key personas for the sale, implementation, and ongoing success of the product at a customer, I thought it was very important to treat this extensive product as a first-class citizen in terms of our investment in the UX and visual design. Fortunately, we were starting to undertake a project to modernize the back-end, so I was able to create the opportunity to do just that.
The results
The new administrative platform turned out amazing, and received enthusiastic accolades from our users, especially those who were familiar with the legacy version. It became the foundation for a really important and successful part of the Fuze product line.
Note: While I was closely involved in directing and shaping the overall project and each individual design, I didn’t actually create them. They are all the work of the fantastic designer I was working with on my team.